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In the Woods

An Impressive Portfolio of Projects

Projects: Clients

Summary of selected projects:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance consulting services to healthcare organisations for collecting, processing, and securing personal data, according to the (EU) 2016/679 Regulation.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIA), to healthcare organisations and other business sectors (hotels, e-commerce sites).

  • Implementation of an application for PDAs using Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques for the setup of Social Networks based on similar interests: Video

  • Implementation of a multimedia application for Greek National Opera, titled: "Greek Composers in the Greek National Opera" Video

  • Implementation of Web Access in the Digital Archive of E.L.S. (National Greek Opera): Completion of the update in the web-based node of the Digital Archive of E.L.S. Statistics

  • DIGITAL PHOTO LIBRARY - online sale of digital pictures: The work carried out under the action «Support for the Implementation of Enterprise Electronic Services (e-Services)». The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Greek state under the Operational Program «Information Society»

  • Study and utilization of modern technologies to provide new services and promote the work of the National Opera House across the country:The project is realized in the invitation 180 of the Operational Program «Information Society» in CSF. The aim is to carry out studies to document the actions proposed to promote the work of E.L.S throughout the project. It includes analysis of key technical specifications and detailed costing of the actions while the study of changes in the institutional framework.

  • Development of the European Profiles S.A. web site.: Redesign and development of corporate website of the company European Profiles S.A. advisors with membership in this increased functionality to meet the needs.

  • HEALTH PLUS (Improving knowledge and Decision support for Healthy Lifestyles– FP6 IST 2005-027126): Development of a smart search platform on eating habits. Definition of requirements and specifications of this platform. Study claims users-pilots and market analysis to promote the platform. 

  • Study claims management information system of the educational process and educational content of EKKDA.

  • Design and specification requirements for the development of education system government officials of the Republic of Moldova on issues of convergence with the European Union. The final recipient government of Moldova: Implementation of the project portal using a Content Management System (CMS-Content Management System), with use of open source: Joomla, PHP, Apache, MySQL. 

  • Development of Electronic population. 

  • Development application documentation digitized cultural material in the context of IS work for the National Opera House: Develop an integrated application in continuous consultation with users, even after delivery of the final user requirements study of the application. 

  • QUALEG (FP6 IST-507767: Quality of Service and Legitimacy in eGov):Technical project management and development platform using intelligent agents to promote e-government. Study requirements and technical support for the Polish pilot user, the town of Tarnow, during installation of the platform.. 

  • Development of LSO Internal Software & Website Database Improvement: Development of an integrated Web site according to user requirements study of the separate local Russian agencies. 

  • Design & Development LSO Content Management System: Development of a Content Management System in accordance with the requirements of individual users of local Russian agencies. 

  • "Development of a Roadmap to Quality Management in Greek Small Enterprises": Development of a multimedia application.

  • Technical consulting in the frame of the IST-2001-DICTATE: Technical Project Management. 

  • Technical consulting for the IST-project CARE PATHS, “An intelligent support environment to improve the quality of decision processes in health communities”: Technical Project Management. 

  • «Developing software components for the implementation and integration of 4 training scenarios based on JAVA technology and VRML.»: Development of a simulation software running ship cabin 

  • Technical consulting in the frame of the IST-2001-29379 project Citation, Citizen Information Tool in Smart Administrations:Development of the databases. 

  • HEALTHY-MARKET (IST-2001-33204: A Virtual Marketplace for the Implementation of Healthy Nutritional Plans): Development of a virtual market for products using intelligent agents. Study requirements of the Italian-user pilot of the consortium and that technical support during installation of the platform. 

  • ML-IMAGES (EContent-22046: A Multilingual Search System for Exploring Large Image Databases): Development of a tool for multilingual search and registration of documentation in digitized photos 

  • WEIGHT-INFO (IST-2000-26251: Providing trustable information context and implementation support for weight control: Development of a platform for mobile devices for intelligent search of information on dietary habits of the user depending on user's nutrient profile 

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